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Booking Accommodation and Conditions of Let


​1. Application & Booking

All bookings for let of a studio must be made on an official SDHB booking form. Booking forms must be received along with a deposit in order to secure hire (deposit is non-refundable).

If your event requires catering or bar services then a minimum of 6 weeks notice is required

Booking is accepted following South Dalziel receiving a completed booking form along with required deposit payment.

All applicants must be aged 18 years or over and proof of identity, or age, may be required.

All bookings made are subject to the times stated on the booking form. Entry time by class leaders and clients must be subject to the booking time. Hirers must ensure that the studio is cleared at the appropriate time and all tables, chairs etc returned to their usual spot.

All groups/organisations using accommodation shall state the purpose for which they are engaged and shall not sublet or alter the purpose for which they are engaged without consent of SDHB.

If the studio is used for purposes different from that which they are engaged, SDHB reserves the right to terminate the booking at any time without being liable to the hirer for any costs incurred by the group/organisation or third parties.

All hirers must stay within the studio hired and any communal areas. No other areas may be accessed by group.

No application to let will be accepted while any account for payment is outstanding.

SDHB reserves the right to grant or refuse any application for let in whole or part without giving any reason for same.

The studio hire may require to be changed due to circumstances.


2. Payment

Bookings of a sole/one-off nature must ensure that payment is received in advance of the booking. Final and total payment must be received by SDHB no later than 7 days in advance. Payment must be made in cash or by bank transfer.

Failure to pay any accounts within the time required will result in no further availability of premises until the account is paid in full.

SDHB reserve the right to bill additional charges as a result of any damage or losses. SDHB has the right to introduce additional security deposit at the time of booking, which will be returned within 14 days following the event, given that no damage/loss/distruption was caused during the hire period.

Failure to pay any accounts within the time required will result in no further availability of premises until the account is paid in full.


3. Cancellation

SDHB reserve the right to cancel a let without being liable for compensation in the event of facilities being required for the purposes deemed necessary by SDHB i.e emergency repairs etc.

 Notification of hirer’s intention to cancel must be made in writing.

In the event of cancellation by the hirer the following charges are payable by the hirer:

More than 4 weeks’ notice – no charge (excluding deposit to secure the booking), less than 4 weeks full charge is payable.

The hirer is responsible for any loss or damage to the building, fixtures, fittings and contents.

The hirer is advised that SDHB can accept no responsibility in respect of loss or theft of articles from the premises during the let or any articles left on the premises at any time.

SDHB accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage, including personal injury and death, resulting from the premises proving to be unsuitable for the hirers intended use.

The hirer is required to take out suitable insurance to cover loss or damage of property belonging to themselves, SDHB or members of the public and to cover death or injury of persons in the building during the period of hire.

When an event is open to the public, the hirer is required to take out public liability insurance and provide a copy to SDHB. The premises are let on the understanding that this will be done.

The hirer must indemnify SDHB against any loss or damage as described within these conditions


4. Layout & Capacity

The hirer must strictly adhere to the capacities of each studio or auditorium. Failure to comply with the given maximum capacities may result in the termination of the let at any time without SDHB being liable to the hirer for damages or loss.


5. Health & Safety

The hirer is responsible for the provision of suitable automatic cut-off circuit breakers for any occasion where the use of musical equipment is in use.

If a hirer is operating any portable electrical appliance not provided by SDHB this equipment must have a valid portable appliance test label or certificate. If the valid label or certificate is not available then this equipment will not be able to be used within SDHB venue.

The hirer is responsible for ensuring all gangways, doorways, stairways, exits etc are kept unobstructed at all times.

Hirers must make themselves aware of Fire Regulations and procedures in force and as outlined in the fire evacuation notices displayed in the communal facilities.

No explosives, chemicals, highly flammable liquids or substances shall be brought into the building and the use of naked lights in any part of the building is strictly prohibited.

In the event of an accident within the premises the hirer must report the incident immediately to SDHB staff and an accident report form completed by the hirer.


6. Property & Equipment

All additional fittings, decorations or scenery of any kind provided by the hirer shall be subject to the approval of SDHB before being fitted and must be removed, if required, on the orders of SDHB.

Failure to remove items as required will result in making arrangements to remove them by SDHB at the hirer’s expense.

All other property brought into the venue by hirers must be removed at the end of the let unless otherwise authorised by SDHB. Failure to comply with this condition will result in hire charges being extended to cover items involved and/or any costs incurred relating to their temporary removal.

The hirer shall not interfere with any electrical fixtures and fittings. No extension from existing electrical fittings shall be made without the agreement of SDHB.

No fittings of any kind (bolts, nails, screws, blue tac etc) shall be attached to any part of the interior or exterior of the building without prior consent from SDHB.

All hirers must leave the premises in a clean and tidy condition. Failure to comply will result in additional charges to cover cost of reinstatement.

The use of notice boards is prohibited unless by prior arrangement with SDHB. No posters, banners or advertisements shall be affixed to any internal or external doors, walls and windows without prior arrangement with SDHB


7. Stewarding

The hirer is responsible for the provision of stewards and security staff and for the maintenance of good order at functions/events. SDHB reserves the right to specify and/or engage stewards, security staff and first aid personnel on behalf of the hirer at the hirers expense in circumstances that they deem appropriate.


8. Smoking

In accordance with Scottish Law SDHB operates a strict no smoking policy, including electronic cigarettes 


9. Performing Rights Society

SDHB hold the performing rights license for the venue. The hire charge includes this.


10. Liquor License

All bar services must be provided by SDHB. Only alcohol purchased from SDHB bar can be consumed. If we find anyone to be in breach of this during an event, it will result in immediate cancellation of the event with no rights to refund/rescheduling.

Minumum 6 weeks notice is required to secure alcohol licence.


11. Food Safety

The hirer, if supplying catering out with SDHB provision, is required to ensure compliance with the Food Safety Act 1990 and any subsequent related regulations.

The hirer will be required, if supplying catering out with SDHB provision, to remove all waste from the environs of the venue and where necessary make special arrangements for its removal with a licensed contractor before final vacation of the premises.


12. Amendments to Conditions

SDHB reserves the right to amend or add to these conditions of let at any time. Such changes will be notified in writing.


13. Specialist Sport or Coaching Bookings

All bookings of a coaching/teaching nature are approved on the understanding that the appropriate coaching qualifications from the recognised sport or coaching body or association is in place. SDHB reserves the right to inspect such qualifications.

When sporting activities are being conducted appropriate footwear must be worn.

Tap dancing classes may only use designated areas.


14. General

For the purpose of these conditions the terms SDHB shall include persons authorised by SDHB.

The term studio shall include all areas within the building.

SDHB staff shall have access to all parts of the venue during periods of let.

Advice and instructions of SDHB must be strictly adhered to at all times during the let.

SDHB have the right to suspend or take action at their discretion on any matter which in the opinion of SDHB staff does not comply with the terms of these conditions, or which they consider necessary in the interests of health and safety and good order or to deal with contingency not covered by these conditions of let.

By booking an event with SDHB you provide us with permission to photograph, video record your event, and people who attend it, for the promotional purposes via our website and social media channels.


If you wish to discuss above terms, or have additional questions, please contact SDHB at

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